Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Changeover days - what to do?

This problem has never been written about in a Corsican context before as far as I'm aware, but if you decide to go to Corsica under your own steam, it's one you are quite likely to encounter.

Many self-catering apartments and résidences in Corsica are geared up to cope with French holidaymakers, who like to arrive - and leave - on a Saturday. For most of the early and late season, however, the only direct flights from Britain to Corsica go on a Sunday. So a Brit arriving on a Sunday flight misses the first night of his holiday, then has to give up his apartment to someone else the day before he's due to go home.

I don't think we'll convince British Airways, XL and Thomsonfly (links to all these at to swap their schedules round just for us - we're stuck with it, I'm afraid. So here is a suggestion on how to use the overlap days. First, book into a hotel near your departure airport the Saturday before you fly out and get into holiday mood with a Rough Guide or Lonely Planet and your last pint of English beer for a while. And for your last night in Corsica, book yourself into a small Corsican hotel, B&B or Chambre d'Hote, and use it as an opportunity to find out a bit more about the local culture & food and getting acquainted with some of the local people. It won't cost much, and it could be the high point of your stay.

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