Sunday, May 21, 2006


Welcome back Corse Matin

It looks as though the strike at Corse Matin, Corsica's daily newspaper, is about to come to an end. It's a welcome development.

I'm not going to get into a political debate in these personal notes, but I would like to record how pleased I am that this strike - which has lasted several weeks - now looks as though it is about to end. Like many Brits, I like to read newspapers and I make a point of catching up on Corsica's news when I'm on the island. A quick skim through the Corse Matin gives me the opportunity to do just that - when it's being published.

The newspaper, which combines the role of a parish pump newsletter with the task of giving residents a summary of national and international news, reflects Corsica's geography. Between the first and final few pages, the paper is divided into different sections for Bastia, Ajaccio, Balagne, and all the other major regons, and each region gets its own page. It's like having a collection of mini-regional newspapers all bound into one.

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