Sunday, January 14, 2007


The West Coast road improves - gradually

I gather that the end is in sight for the roadworks on that tortuous stretch of road on Corsica's west coast between Galeria and Porto. Or should I say it was in sight until a few days ago when there was a slight setback.

The road had been closed during weekdays for a couple of weeks to enable some blasting to take place about 1km north of Porto; it had been scheduled to reopen on 28th January. However, someone filed a post on one of the discussion groups today to the effect that "During work to clear unsure rockface between the col de Palmarella and the col de la Croix, about 10 tons of rock fell on the road and weakened the supporting wall which will have to be bolstered up."

Road works on the two stretches are not being undertaken at the same time in order that the villages of Serriera, Partinello etc. are not completely cut off. However, our Tripadvisor informant assures us that everything should be fine by the summer. If I get further news about this situation, you'll be the first to know.

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